UVC Purification Lights

Toxin-free disinfecting products for businesses.

A Safer Alternative in a Dangerous World

The average person encounters up to 60,000 germs a day. Traditional disinfectant products are full of dangerous chemicals and toxins. UVC purification lights give you a safer alternative to protect your:

• Customers
• Patients
• Frontline workers
• Employees
• Visitors

The Responsible Choice

Disinfectant wipes are only effective when used once and tossed, leading to tons of landfill waste every year. UVC purification lights are a more sustainable way to sanitize high-touch surfaces.


Highly Effective


Experts in Selling UVC Purification Lights

By meeting with businesses face-to-face, our team of sales professionals can assess sanitation needs and provide an immediate custom solution.

The Ryscot Method

UVC purification lights are new to the market and not all lights are created equal. As experts in this technology, our teams can help businesses pick the safest and most effective option.


Finding the right Customers

We begin by identifying the businesses who are most in need of a sustainable, affordable purification solution. Times are changing, and more and more offices need an affordable and effective solution.


In-person Assessment

By meeting with these businesses in person, we can assess their daily traffic flow, how they interact with their customers and patients and where their highest exposure lies.


Providing Custom Solutions

Not every space requires the same type of sanitation. As experts in UVC light technology, we provide businesses with custom solutions that allow them to save on sanitation costs while keeping their space clean and healthy.

Ready to add UVC purification lights to your sales portfolio?

Contact us to use our sales method and sell this essential product >

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